Springfield House Community Special School

PROUD of our Roots


     Birch Class

Birch class enjoyed visiting All Things Wild theme park as part of this term’s project “Animal Safari”. This project teaches children about the animals that live around the world, how to look after animals and the importance of caring for our local and global environment.

During the visit children were encouraged to discover and interact with fascinating animals and explore a range of sessions that run by an experienced member of the park’s educational team.



Birch Class really enjoyed going into the Stables today to join in with some science experiments with Science Boffins.

The children learnt how electricity flows through our bodies using a plasma ball. Afterwards, they especially enjoyed making their very own slime!

______________________________________________________________________________Birch Class enjoyed going to the front lawn on Thursday 29th February to plant some saplings with Stuart. This is part of our Ready, Steady, Grow! project this term. The children learnt how to identify different types of trees and how to plant a sapling into the ground successfully. They enjoyed choosing where to plant it, digging their own hole and were excited to put it into the ground, after watching Stuart's demonstration, the children knew how to cover it with the soil they had dug up and last of all, they enjoyed using the watering can to give it a drink.


The children will remember this day for a long time and will enjoy watching their saplings grow at Springfield House School for years to come. The children felt connected to nature around them and the also learnt how the trees around us help our environment.



Our project last term was Dangerous Dinosaurs.

This project teaches children about the different animals that roamed Earth millions of years ago and how they are related to animals that live on Earth today.

We explored how we know what dinosaurs looked like and talked about fossils and dinosaur bones linking it with our knowledge of the human body.

Also, we explored how we know what dinosaurs ate, and link it to what we eat now, how big dinosaurs were and whether all of them were big.


As part of our memorable experience, we had a dinosaur party where the children were able to explore different sensory activities and enjoy some party food.

Birch Class really enjoyed making dinosaur eggs. The eggs were being looked after by our class Dinosaurs and hatched at the end of the week!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++December 2023

Elfrock and Tinsel have left the children a wonderful letter this morning and the children are all so excited


Birch class had a special visitor on Friday 1st December- the elf on the shelf has arrived with a celebration, decorations and tasty gifts for all the children. The elf will be staying with us for the whole of December and has lots of plans for us to do...

More adventures in Birch class with Elf on the Shelf this week!

Below are some photos of what Elfrock has been getting up to in Birch Class this week. Tuesday, he played 'The Floor is Lava', Wednesday, he read the babies our story of the week 'Jack and the Beanstalk' ..... today, he has bought his friend Tinsel to join him and they have made us some lovely snowflakes.

Wonder what else he will get up to..?


Friday 8th December - Elfrock and Tinsel managed to keep warm this morning 

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Magic Fairy Picnic - November 2023 

On a sunny but cold Wednesday afternoon the children had a delivery from the postman. It was a letter from the Fairies to say that they love visiting forest school so much , that they have decided to move in . The fairies invited the children to come and visit them . The children's imaginations were ignited with the thought of searching for a fairy. They put on their wellies and coats and explored the site looking for clues! To their amazement, there was fairy dust everywhere!

The children loved playing the with the pieces that made up the fairy village. They started to construct and deconstruct the village for them and use all the pieces to make their own mini locations. It was an excellent opportunity for them to engage in imaginative play. The fairies even had tea and fruit on the little table for everyone to enjoy!.