There are different types of coins. Each coin is worth a different amount.
A shop is a place where people go to buy things with money.
Set up a shop with a till, toy food, 1p coins, baskets and shopping bags, or use the Shopping cut outs to create a role play shop. Price the food items from 1–5p. Play with the children in the shop and encourage them to buy two items and add them together. Ask them to buy two of each item and calculate the total cost. Add challenge by asking the children to find ways of spending an amount of money, such as 10p, in the shop.
A recipe is set of instructions for preparing a dish and includes a list of the ingredients required.
Watch the Making Butter video on the CBeebies website to find out how butter has been made for over two thousand years. Provide clean jam jars with lids and double cream. Half fill the jam jar with the cream, put the lid on and then take turns to shake the jar until the cream separates into butter and buttermilk. Collect the butter and rinse it in water, then put it on a plate. Provide slices of bread and knives for the children to spread the butter onto the bread to taste. Take photographs of the children making and tasting the butter to add to a display.
Items can be measured to show how long, tall or heavy they are. Capacity shows how much a container holds.
Add yellow or orange food colouring to the water tray along with whole or sliced citrus fruit. Add clear containers and syringes for the children to explore the water.
The capacity of an object is how much it can hold.
Add a variety of plastic milk bottles to the water tray. Offer scoops and jugs for the children to explore the volume of water it takes to fill the bottles.
Timers and counting can be used to record data in physical activities
Add fitness challenges to the outside area with a timer. Challenge the children to see how many of each exercise they can do in one minute.
Items can be measured using non standard units to show how long or tall they are.
Items can be measured using non standard units to show how long or tall they are.
However a group of objects is displayed, the total is still the same.
Display the Animal subitising picture cards and start by asking the children to say how many animals they can see on each card without counting. When the children are confident, using their subitising skills, invite them to pick two cards and use their knowledge of number bonds to work out how many animals there are altogether. Support them to explain their reasoning as they talk about their calculations.
Numbers to 10 can be made in different ways, but the total is the same each time.
Provide the children with the Chicken and cow cut outs and the Barn picture card. Start by counting the number of legs each animal has. Then set a challenge by explaining that the farmer needs to put his animals inside the barn, but there has to be 10 legs total. Invite the children to suggest which animals could go in the barn. Ask them if they could put three cows into the barn and encourage them to explain their reasoning. Explore the different combinations of chickens and cows that could go into the barn to make a total of 10 legs.
Provide seed trays with 10 cells or the Tens frame template. Spray some dried butter beans with gold paint and leave the rest white. Separate the beans into two bowls and leave them in the middle of the table. Ask the children to count out 10 beans, using a mixture of gold and white beans, and put one in each section of their seed tray or counting frame. Compare the different combinations of white and gold beans that the children have created. Add challenge by asking questions to encourage the children to use their knowledge of number bonds to 10, such as 'I have seven beans in my tray. How many more do I need to fill it up and make 10?'
Find one more or one less than numbers to 10.
Provide jelly cubes in a variety of colours for the children to explore. Can they make a jelly cube tower?
Literacy Comprehension
K - Turnips, carrots, potatoes and parsnips are root vegetables that grow under the ground.
S - Describe the characters, events and settings in stories that have been read to them using recently introduced vocabulary.
Display a selection of root vegetables, including a turnip. Ask the children which vegetables they recognise and discuss how the edible part of these vegetables grows underground. Read The Gigantic Turnip by Aleksei Tolstoy and encourage the children to join in with repeated refrains. After reading the story, ask the children why the turnip was so difficult to pull out of the ground and discuss alternative ways that they could have helped the old man and woman. Encourage them to think of equipment or machines that lift or transport heavy items. Give the children time to discuss and share their ideas. Provide paper, writing resources, sound mats and word banks to record their ideas if they choose.
K - Beans are edible seeds that grow on plants in pods.
S - Retell stories and narratives through role play and small world play, using some key vocabulary.
Read or act out a version of the story Jack and the Beanstalk, such as Jack and the Beanstalk by Iona Treahy. Stop at key points of the story and ask the children to predict what might happen next. When the children are familiar with the story, display the Jack and the Beanstalk picture cards and support them to sequence the cards and retell the story. Revisit the story during the week and encourage the children to join in with key phrases. Use the story to support them to make links to what they know about growing plants.
K - Beans are edible seeds that grow on plants in pods.
Seeds need water, air and warmth to germinate.
Plants need water, sunlight, air and warmth to grow.
S - Join in with repeated refrains and anticipate key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.
Share a copy of the story Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth. When the children are familiar with the story, recap on the main events and what Jasper did to look after the bean each day. Ensure the children are familiar with the order of the days of the week. Provide them with the Jasper's beanstalk template and drawing resources so they can draw Jasper looking after his plant each day. Offer sound mats and word banks so they can add labels if they choose. When they have filled in their templates, invite the children to use them to retell the story.
Literacy Word Reading
S - Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter-sound correspondences.
Place the Phonic words word cards face down on a table or Tuff Tub. Provide each child with a laminated Phonic words checklist and a drywipe pen. Ensure they can read each of the words on their list. Play a game where the children turn over one of the cards and read it. If it is one of the cards on their list, they can tick it off. Continue until they have found all their words. Keep the game fast-paced, so rather than taking turns, the children continue to turn over and read words until they have completed their list.
S - Read simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter-sound correspondences and, where necessary, a few exception words.
Display the Animal hunt QR codes picture cards in the outside area. Ask the children to choose a partner to work with and then model how to use a tablet to read the QR code. It will display a simple message for the children to read with a clue about the next following QR code. For example, 'My parent is a chicken.' The QR code will direct the children to a picture of an animal; they then read the next QR code to continue the reading trail to find all the animals. Support them to use their phonic knowledge as they read the clues.
Create photobooks of the children’s experiences throughout the projects. Add simple captions and sentences for the children to read.
S - Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter-sound correspondences.
Provide a plant pot and a mini bin. Display the Real and fake word cards for the children to read, planting the real words in the plant pot and binning those that are fake.
Literacy Writing
K - We need to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
S - Write short sentences with words with known sound-letter correspondences using a capital letter and full stop.
Display photographs of the children making the rainbow of fresh fruit salad and various recipe books. Ask the children to put the photographs into chronological order to show the different steps to make fruit salad. Encourage them to talk through how they prepared the fruit salad and use language, such as first, then, and next to describe the order. As a group, make a list of words, such as wash, peel, chop and mix, to describe what happened at each stage. Look at the recipe books and explain how recipes use imperatives, such as ‘Wash your hands’ and ‘Chop it up’. Invite the children to write a recipe using the Fruit salad template to take home to show how to make fruit salad. Encourage them to say their sentences and use their phonic knowledge to segment the words as they write.
K - Seeds are part of a flowering plant and can grow into other plants.
S - Skill Reception Say words, captions and sentences out loud before writing.
Read the children the George the Giant letter. Show the children various seed packets from George or the Seed packet picture cards and discuss the information and pictures displayed. Provide A4 envelopes, sound mats, word banks, drawing and writing resources and ask the children to make a seed packet for the giant. Encourage them to think about what seeds the giant would like to grow and what he needs to know to grow them. Support the children to form simple phrases or sentences, such as 'put it in the soil', 'water it' and 'put it in the sunshine'. Encourage them to use their phonic knowledge to sound out the words. You could provide seeds for the children to add to their packets.
Use writing to support their play.
Provide bowls of herbs, slices of citrus fruit, pestles and mortars, pipettes, small plastic bottles and containers of water. Challenge the children to create scents using the ingredients. Provide paper, writing resources, sound mats and word banks to write the recipes for their potions if they choose.
Provide large rolls of paper, drawing and writing resources, sound mats and small world farm animals and vehicles. Encourage the children to use the resources to create farmyard stories and scenarios and mark make as part of their play.
Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sounds with letters.
Provide paper, writing resources, sound mats, food magazines, scissors and glue for the children to make shopping lists.
Use writing to communicate thoughts, ideas, experiences and events.
Display unlabelled tins and packets alongside paper, drawing and writing resources. Encourage the children to create food labels for the packaging.
Expressive Art and Design – Being Imaginative and Expressive
Learn and sing songs and rhymes as part of a larger group.
Learn to sing various farm-themed songs with the children, such as Old MacDonald Had a Farm, The Farmer Gathers His Hay Today, Dingle Dangle Scarecrow, The Farmer's in His Den and Oats and Beans and Barley Grow. Invite the children to say which is their favourite song and why.
Expressive Art and Design – Creating with Materials
K - Recognise that it is possible to change and alter their designs and ideas as they are making them.
K - Seeds are part of a flowering plant and can grow into other plants.
Provide yoghurt pots, cardboard tubes, seeds, rice, dried beans, tape, elastic bands and greaseproof paper. Explain to the children that they will make a seed shaker percussion instrument. Show the children how to put the beans in the pot or tube, cover the end with circles of greaseproof paper and secure with tape or elastic bands. Encourage them to choose different combinations and quantities of seeds and beans to go in their shaker and explore the sounds that they make. You could provide ready-mixed paint or coloured paper and glue for the children to decorate their shakers. When the shakers are complete, ask the children to use them to accompany them as they sing rhymes and songs. Use the Growing rhymes teacher information for a selection of songs to sing.
K - The primary colours are red, yellow and blue.
S - Use primary and other coloured paint and a range of methods of application.
Display the Aerial farms picture cards in the creative area. Provide paper, green, yellow, brown and white ready-mixed paint, mixing palettes and paintbrushes. Explore the picture cards and explain that these photographs have been taken from the air. Invite the children to describe the shapes and colours they can see. Tell the children that they will mix shades of green, yellow and brown paint and use the colours to create a patterned picture inspired by the images. Explain that they need to start by dividing their paper into different shapes. Encourage the children to look at the pictures to help them decide which shapes and patterns they would like to draw. Model how to use the paint to mix colours and talk about the shades. When the paper is divided into shapes, and the colours are mixed, the children can choose which colours to paint the shapes. Encourage them to compare their artwork with others.
Communicate their ideas as they are creating artwork.
Place thin slices of fruit on a lightbox for the children to observe. Offer paper, pastels and colouring pencils for close observational drawing.
Expressive Art and Design – Breadth
K - Vehicles and machines have wheels and axles to help them move.
S - Explore, build and play with a range of resources and construction kits with wheels and axles.
Display the Farm vehicles picture cards and a selection of toy farm vehicles. Provide the practical resources for the children to experiment with making farm vehicles. Add ready-mixed paint, paintbrushes and coloured paper for the children to add colour to their vehicles.
Note: Turning the boxes inside out will allow the children to paint them effectively.
Explore artwork by famous artists and talk about their likes and dislikes.
Display a copy of The Fruit Basket picture card by Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Show the children how the painting can be viewed as a fruit basket or a person's head. Ask them to talk about the painting and give their opinion on whether they like it or not. Encourage them to talk about the fruits they can see in the painting and the features they represent. Explain that you will work as a group to create a fruit face or fruit basket picture. Display fruits and provide paper and pastels for the children to make observational drawings. Invite the children to choose a fruit to draw. When finished, provide scissors for the children to cut around their drawings and work as a group to arrange them to create a face or fruit basket.
World – The Natural World
K - A habitat is a place where living things live. Local habitats include woodlands, gardens and ponds. Other habitats include hot places, such as deserts, and cold places, such as the Arctic.
A farm is an area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals.
S - Observe and describe living things and their habitats within the local environment.
Arrange a visit to a local farm where the children can observe the animals that live there, discover which crops are grown and find out about the machines that help farmers do their work. Give the children time to notice the sights, sounds and smells of the farm. Before the visit, find out questions the children would like to ask. Take photographs of the children during the visit to create a photobook.
K - We use our senses to explore the world.
The five senses are sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.
S - With support, observe, record and talk about materials and living things.
Display the Fruit and vegetable picture cards and various fruits and vegetables for the children to explore using their senses. Encourage them to look, smell, touch and taste the items. Provide time for them to discuss their preferences as they explore the fruits and vegetables. Introduce vocabulary, such as rough, smooth, hairy, slimy, shiny, sweet, sour, juicy, crunchy, soft and hard.
K - Parts of plants and trees include trunk, branch, twig, roots, stem, flowers and leaves.
Beans are edible seeds that grow on plants in pods.
Seeds need water, air and warmth to germinate.
Plants need water, sunlight, air and warmth to grow.
S - Name and describe basic features of plants and trees.
Display the Germination picture cards and invite the children to talk about the images. Support them to identify the plant parts, including the roots, stem and leaves. Explain that they are going to investigate what seeds need to begin growing (germinate). Provide the practical resources, and together set up the following:
Poke small holes in each bag for air to enter the bags and for drainage, and hang or sit them in an undisturbed location. Take photographs of the bags and encourage the children to predict what they think will happen to each bean. Make a display or photobook with pictures and quotes from the children. Add to the display or book over several weeks to record what happens to the beans.
Note: Children should find that the beans will germinate and start growing without light and compost. Seeds need warmth, water and air to germinate. They do not need light or soil. However, for continued healthy growth, bean plants need water, sunlight, air and warmth.
K - Plants need water, sunlight, air and warmth to grow.
S - Represent scientific observations by mark making, drawing or creating simple charts and tables. Offer explanations for why things happen, making use of vocabulary, such as, because, then and next.
Watch the Grow Vegetable Scraps video from the CBeebies programme Down on the Farm. Ask the children to find a friend with who they will work. Explain that they are going to grow vegetable scraps and document how they change and grow over time. Provide the practical resources and support the children to set up their equipment. Explain that they need to support each other to look after their plants as they grow and take photographs to show the changes. You could provide rulers for the children to measure how high the vegetable tops grow. Revisit the activity at regular intervals during the project to see which vegetables grow the best. You could create a display or photobook with photographs of the vegetable tops growing and quotes from the children about how they have grown and changed.
K - Some plants produce seeds so that they can grow new plants.
S - With support, observe, record and talk about materials and living things.
Set out a tabletop with various seeds, such as corn, wheat, rice, lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, runner beans and broad beans and display the Labelled seeds picture cards. Ask the children to look closely at the various seeds, using hand lenses to observe their shapes, colours and textures. Encourage them to make comparisons and describe their similarities and differences. Challenge the children to work together to sort the seeds into baskets.
Put a range of fruit in a glass or clear plastic cloche. Leave it over time so the children can observe what happens to the fruit as it decays. Take photographs to document the changes.
K - Animals are living things. There are different types of animal. Parent and baby mammals include cow and calf, sheep and lamb, and cat and kitten. Parent and baby birds include duck and duckling, chicken and chick, and goose and gosling.
Animal babies are known by different names than adult animals, such as cow and calf or sheep and lamb.
S - Match animals to their young.
Display the Parent and baby animal picture cards. Start by matching the parents with their babies and then challenge them to read the word cards and match them with the correct picture. Invite the children to talk about their favourite animal on the picture cards and choose one of the animals to draw. Provide paper and drawing resources and encourage the children to look carefully at the features and colours of the animal as they draw.
World – Past and Present
Put familiar events in chronological order, using pictures and discussion.
Display photographs of the memorable experience on a washing line with clothes pegs. If you have been to a farm with the children, include photographs of the people and animals they met and the children engaged in activities. Invite the children to pick out photographs to discuss. Encourage them to use language relating to time, such as 'first', 'then', 'next' and 'after that' as they talk about their experience and favourite activities from the day.
K - A farm is an area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals.
S - Describe some similarities and differences between things in the past and the present.
Read a traditional version of the story The Little Red Hen, such as The Little Red Hen by Lesley Sims and explore the pictures in the story. Discuss how the hen sows and cuts the wheat and where she takes it to be made into flour. You could provide ears of wheat and flour for the children to handle. Look at the Farms in the past picture cards. Compare farms in the past with the farm they visited and discuss what is the same and what is different. To extend this activity, you could make bread with the children.
World – Understanding the World Breadth
K - Food comes from different sources, including from animals, such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy, or from plants, such as fruit and vegetables.
Food can be from a plant source or an animal source.
Fruit, vegetables, nuts, sugar and oils are from plants.
Animals provide meat.
Animals also produce food, such as milk, eggs and honey.
S - Begin to identify the origins of some foods.
Display the Food picture cards alongside a browsing box containing various foods and packaging, such as yoghurt pots, cereal packets, pasta, rice, milk, fruit and vegetables. Explain that some foods are from plants and others come from animals. Tell the children that some animal products are made from their milk, such as cheese and yoghurt, while other food is their meat. Discuss each type of food with the children and display two hoops labelled 'plant' and 'animal' for the children to sort the foods, packaging and picture cards.
K - Technological toys need instructions to operate in a particular way. Errors in instructions can be checked and fixed.
A sheepdog is a breed of dog trained to work on a farm and herd sheep.
S - Input simple instructions to make technological toys operate, including floor robots and onscreen sprites.
Show the children the Sheepdog in action video and discuss how Shep supports farmer Jack. Create a 15x15cm grid on card. Use a brown marker pen to draw lines around three edges of some of the squares in the grid and explain that they are sheep pens. Provide a programmable robot toy – you could even add a cotton wool jacket to make it look like a sheep. Work with the children to program the robot to travel into one of the pens. You could use the Direction cut outs to plan the program. Provide time for each of the children to plan a route for the sheep. Encourage them to use positional language, such as up, down, turn and into as they program the toy.
K - Plants and animals are living things. Plants need water, sunlight and air to survive. Animals need food, water, air and shelter to survive.
Plants need water, sunlight, air and warmth to grow.
S - Describe some ways that plants or animals should be cared for in order for them to survive.
Arrange a visit to a local allotment, or invite a local gardener to come and show some of the produce they are growing. Provide time for the children to ask questions to find out what plants the gardeners are growing and how they look after them. Explain that they are going to work together to create a class allotment or garden area. Provide various fast-growing seeds, such as lettuce and radish. Divide the garden space up into small sections and organise the children into small groups. Support each group to work together to collect the resources they need, choose the seeds they would like to plant and decide where best to leave them to grow. Explain that they need to look after their plants as they grow. You could extend the activity by planting fruit and vegetables that take longer to grow, such as tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and strawberries.
K - Some objects float and others sink. When an object sinks it falls through water to the bottom of the vessel. An object that floats stays at the water's surface.
S - Describe, predict and sort things that float and sink and talk about the forces that they can feel.
Add a variety of fruit and vegetables to the water tray for the children to explore floating and sinking.
K - Software is the programs we use on computers and mobile devices.
S - Skill Reception Use age-appropriate software independently.
Display the CBeebies game A Year On Your Farm on tablets or a computer for the children to play independently.
K - A farm is an area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals.
S - Make and use simple maps in their play to represent places and journeys, real and imagined.
Read the story Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins. When the children are familiar with the story, show them the Rosie's Walk letter, which asks for the children to find a new place for Rosie to go for a walk. Invite the children to suggest where she could go. Display photographs from around the school or of the local area. Encourage the children to select photographs and work as a group to create a map. Encourage them to describe the route Rosie will take and support them to think of simple instructions for Rosie, such as 'go to the park' and 'go past the shop'. Provide paper, writing resources, sound mats and word banks for the children to write instructions for Rosie. Encourage them to say each sentence aloud before writing and use their phonic knowledge to spell words.
PD – Fine and Gross Motor Skills
S - Make simple prints using a variety of tools, including print blocks and rollers.
Halve various fruits and vegetables and stick a fork into the back of each. Provide trays containing a thin layer of ready-mixed paint and show the children how to print with the items. Encourage them to experiment with designs, patterns and effects. Invite the children to talk about their artwork and explain what happens when colours mix.
K - Materials can be soft and easy to shape, like dough, or harder and more difficult to shape, like wire.
S - Manipulate malleable materials into a variety of shapes and forms using their hands and other simple tools.
Half fill latex gloves with watered-down white paint and tie the opening shut. Poke tiny holes in the ends of the fingers so that the 'milk' (paint) squirts out when squeezed. Model how to hold the gloves gently and squirt the milk into jars and containers.
Provide play dough, herbs and dried flowers and encourage the children to create scented dough.
Provide firm mashed potato, potato mashers and potato ricers for the children to explore.
Note: You could add flour to the potato to make a firmer dough.
Mix cornflour with brown paint to a thick consistency. Add the cornflour gloop to a Tuff Tub with spoons and toy farm animals for the children to explore its properties.
S - Develop the foundations of a handwriting style by using a tripod grip to form lower-case and capital letters correctly.
Provide trays of mud and sticks in which the children can mark make. Enhance the activity with handwriting shapes and letters for the children to copy.
K - Different types of art include painting, drawing, collage, textiles, sculpture and printing.
S - Create art in different ways on a theme, to express their ideas and feelings.
Provide baskets of yarn in different colours and thicknesses. Encourage the children to wind the yarn around card and lollipop sticks and provide hole-punched cards or mini looms for the children to thread and weave.
K - Beans are edible seeds that grow on plants in pods.
K - Regular exercise helps to keep us healthy.
K - Exercise makes our hearts beat faster, and we get out of breath.
S - Develop body strength, coordination, balance and agility and join in with or make up games that involve energetic movements, such as jumping, skipping, hopping, running and climbing.
Take the children to a large outdoor space. Ask them to notice their breathing and heart rate when resting by putting their hands on their chest and feeling their heartbeat. Encourage them to race, catch, jump or skip for five minutes, then ask the children to stop and observe their breathing and heart rate again. Ask 'What differences do you notice?' Talk about why exercise is good for making their hearts strong and keeping them fit and healthy. Explain that they should exercise and be active for an hour a day to stay healthy.
Take the children to a large outdoor space and explain that you will play the bean game. Invite the children to run or skip around the space until you shake a tambourine when they must stop and listen to what bean action they have to do. Have fun playing the game. Let the children take turns to be the caller.
CL – Listening, attention and understanding
K - A farm is an area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals.
S - Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction books to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary.
Display the Farming picture cards and a selection of stories and non-fiction books on the theme of farm animals and farms for the children to explore. Provide time for the children to look at the books and pictures. Encourage them to make comments and ask questions to find out more. Invite them to make comparisons with the farm they visited in the memorable experience. You could choose a story to share as a group or look up facts in the non-fiction books.
K - Kenya is a country in Africa.
Skill - Show an understanding of the meanings of new words by using them in discussion and role play situations.
Read the story Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Brown. Before reading the story, ask the children why they think the author used this title. Check that the children understand the meaning of the word 'surprise'. After reading the story, show the children the Fruit picture cards or examples of the fruit Handa put in her basket. Explore the descriptions of each of the fruits to check that the children understand the vocabulary used. Invite them to give alternative descriptions. Reread the story and encourage them to join in. Provide Animal mask templates for the children to wear to act out the story.
K - Carrots are root vegetables that grow under the ground.
S - During small group or one to one discussions, ask questions to find out more and understand what has been said to them.
Show the children the Are carrots orange? video. After watching the video, ask the children questions about the things that they have seen. Allow time for them to express their ideas, make comments and ask questions. Display the What's wrong? picture cards which show pictures of fruits and vegetables in unusual colours. Ask the children to describe what is wrong or different about the photographs.
Show clips of farming tasks, such as milking cows, shearing sheep and harvesting crops for children to watch on tablets or a computer.
S - Develop storylines in their pretend play and use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities.
Provide wet sand and cooking equipment for the children to make cakes, pies and biscuits.
Set up a tray with soil and turf. Provide a range of natural resources, such as small stones, twigs and leaves for the children to make miniature gardens. You could add small world people, trees and flowers.
Add yellow, green and brown fabric squares and a small world farm set to the construction area. Provide wooden blocks and lollipop sticks for the children to create farms with fields, buildings and fences.
Provide a box with farming clothing and props and soft farmyard toys for farm role play.
S - Learn new vocabulary and social phrases and use them throughout the day in small group discussions and during play activities.
Set up sensory boxes for the children to sniff and see if they can recognise the scents.
Turn your snack area into a healthy café and provide various healthy snacks. Provide paper and pens for the children to create menus and take orders. Model how to take orders, serve the food, clear the tables and wash the dishes.
CL Speaking
S - Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences and describe events using some detail.
Set out a selection of photographs from the project and invite the children to pick their favourites. Ask questions to encourage them to explain and describe their learning throughout the project. Support them to explore the themes of healthy eating, where food comes from, what plants need to grow and farm animals. Create a slideshow with photographs, videos and quotes from the children to showcase their learning. Share the slideshow with another class or add it to the school website for everyone to view.
Provide a variety of halved fruit and vegetables, tweezers and magnifying glasses for dissection and exploration.