Design Technology
In DT lessons children will develop their knowledge of the types of food that will grow in a particular area depend on a range of factors, such as the rainfall, climate and soil type both at home and abroad. For example, many crops, such as potatoes and sugar beet, are grown in the south-east of England. Wheat, barley and vegetables grow well in the east of England. Children will plan for a memorable experience visiting a local supermarket helping to relate this learning to real life. They will build knowledge of food labels and build independence capturing images of their choice on digital cameras.
Through practical baking, taste tests and a food celebration festival day children will learn that they need accurate weighing and measuring when preparing food. They will also learn about following simple instructions or recipes, planning the ingredients and tools needed and describing the changes that take place during the cooking process.
In groups, children join in a MasterChef style challenge to cook a dish using the ingredients provided. Judging will be by an invited panel or by the children themselves. Who will be the MasterChef Champion? They will build knowledge of preparation techniques for savoury dishes include peeling, chopping, deseeding, slicing, dicing, grating, mixing and skinning. In addition, they will know how to ask questions so they can help others to evaluate their products, such as asking them whether the selected materials achieved the purpose of the model.
Children will be encouraged to consider how to make healthier sweet treats and learn about any health and safety considerations for the preparation and cooking of food.
By sorting foods and independently preparing a nutritionally packed lunch box children will learn there are five main food groups that should be eaten regularly as part of a balanced diet: fruit and vegetables; carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, rice and pasta); proteins (beans, pulses, fish, eggs and meat); dairy and alternatives (milk, cheese and yoghurt) and fats (oils and spreads). Foods high in fat, salt and sugar should only be eaten occasionally as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
Children will develop knowledge that design criteria are the exact goals a project must achieve to be successful. These criteria might include the product's use, appearance, cost and target user. They will design and make packaging for a fantastical fruit or silly sweet and gather ideas from real life packaging samples collected from home. They plan their designs, thinking about text type, colours and materials that they might use and use computer packages to enhance their design.
Knowing that an observation involves looking closely at objects, materials and living things, which can be compared and grouped according to their features, is key learning in this project.
To achieve this children will explore a range of foods using touch, smell and taste. They will sort and classify items according to their own criteria and explain their ideas. Afterwards, attempt to sort the foods into given food groups as a class. Children will feel a selection of foods in a feely bag. What’s in the bag? Melted chocolate, ice cubes, squishy raspberries, peeled grapes, a spiky pineapple or a hairy kiwi fruit.
They will Investigate and explore the magical potential of food and how food can be altered, making bouncy eggs, edible slime, green pancakes, exploding chocolate drops, fruit putty, fizzing soda and invisible ink. They will observe and identify scientific changes and processes at work, including reversible and irreversible changes that occur in the production process.
Discuss with the children any health and safety considerations for the heating of food.
Our children will develop their knowledge of how humans have to get nutrition from what they eat. It is important to have a balanced diet made up of the main food groups, including proteins, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, dairy products and alternatives, and fats and spreads. Humans need to stay hydrated by drinking water.
They will join in with high-energy activities like running, jogging, circuit training and team games. Refuel with a healthy snack and water. Track how much water they drink during a typical school day. Think of times when they need extra water and discuss how their body tells them to drink. They will also prepare healthy snacks, such as raisins, banana slices, orange segments and carrot sticks. Share ideas about how they might know if they are not drinking enough water, for example, lack of energy, headaches and strong smelling or dark urine.
Children will develop their knowledge of how maps, globes and digital mapping tools can help to locate and describe significant geographical features.
They will research the journey taken by a banana and other non-native fruit or food item of their choice, from its country of origin to the fruit bowl. They will use a range of sources to gather information and plot routes on a world map, using the chosen fruit as a main ingredient in making dishes. They will learn about the climates of source countries and build knowledge of the steps that take the fruit from picking to bowl, matching pictures of unusual foods to their country of origin, using a world map to locate them.
They will locate on a map where deep fried tarantula from Cambodia, durian from China, escamoles from Mexico, lutefisk from Norway, raw blood soup from Vietnam, casu marzu from Italy, escargot from France and haggis from Scotland are located.
Children should know the aspect of history that can change health, everyday life and technology by using a range of historical resource materials to find out more about James Lind. Children work together to create a timeline of his life, beginning in 1716 and ending in 1794. They pose questions to investigate his life further and suggest ways to answer them. They consider the overall cause and effect of his work which was about curing the disease known as Scurvy.
Art and Design
Children should know the visual elements include colour, line, shape, form, pattern and tone.
They will develop this by observing and drawing different fruits and vegetables, looking carefully at detail, such as colour, pattern and form and describing their observations using artistic and sensory vocabulary. Peeling and slicing the fruit and using hand lenses gives a whole new picture! The children will experiment with a good choice of drawing materials.
Knowledge of material properties will be developed. Malleable materials, such as clay, papier-mâché and Modroc, are easy to change into a new shape. Rigid materials, such as cardboard, wood or plastic, are more difficult to change into a new shape and may need to be cut and joined together using a variety of techniques.
To achieve this children will sculpt a real or imaginary fruit using clay, modelling dough or papier mâché. They will paint the fruit sculpture with colourful, interesting patterns to make it look weird and wonderful, making up a bizarre or funny name for the fantastical fruit and describe how it would taste.
Suggestions for improving or adapting artwork could include aspects of the subject matter, structure and composition; the execution of specific techniques or the uses of colour, line, texture, tone, shadow and shading. Knowledge of this will be built.
To do this they will reflect upon the success of their fruity sculpture work and describe how it could be improved, recording their ideas and sculpture tips in a sketchbook.
The voice can be used to create notes of different pitches, durations and dynamics (loudness) to add interest to the music by highlighting certain lyrics or creating different moods.
To achieve this children will listen to and sing along to the song Food, Glorious Food from the musical, Oliver and Sing a line, in groups or solo and read the lyrics talking about what they mean.
Control in music can include breath control, where singers ensure that they have enough breath to sing to the end of phrases, or control of a musical instrument, To sing or play accurately, the pitch, rhythm and dynamics of notes should match the intent of the musical score.
Children will explore sounds that can be made by shaking, tapping, blowing and beating different foods and food packaging, creating different rhythms and keeping a pulse.
Make pepper shakers, participating with others in a vegetable orchestra, performing Food, Glorious Food to an invited audience.
Sequences of sounds combine melodies, harmonies, pitches, rhythms and dynamics. Sequences can be written down using informal pictures or symbols in a graphic score or using musical notation.
To build this knowledge children discuss how sound effects could improve the performance of their nonsense poems, using percussion instruments or their voices. They create musical accompaniment for their poetry using a range of percussion instruments or sounds.
English Reading
Make simple comments about the language, structure and presentation of a text, including words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest.
By generating an introductory paragraph, they must set the scene, providing key details about their memorable experience, including what, where, when, who and why.
Retell and perform a wide range of texts, including poetry and play scripts, showing understanding using a range of strategies.
Read and join in with different nonsense poems, identifying some of the key features, such as rhyme and rhythm.
Build the skill to explain the meaning of words based on the context, using a dictionary where appropriate.
Looking at nonsense words from ‘The Jabberwocky’ such as frumious, whiffling, tugley, galumphing, beamish and slithy, children begin create nonsense words for a range of fruits and vegetables. Highly sensory foods, like stinky cheeses, a passion fruit cut in half, sprouts and onions, will inspire nonsense words.
The skill of reading books for a range of purposes that are structured in different ways and describe their structure, will be developed by identifying the features of clear instructions in recipe books and creating a recipe for writing good instructions.
Identify some themes and conventions in a range of books, texts and poetry by analysing a range of non-chronological reports, identifying the key features needed to make them effective and using skim reading and scanning to retrieve information.
Learn to make simple comments about the language, structure and presentation of a text, including words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest by analysing a range of TV food and drink advertisements and finding examples of slogans, exaggeration, appealing adjectives, strong adverbs and powerful verbs.
English Writing
Orally compose and write sentences using an increasing range of vocabulary and sentence structures.
To develop this skill children will use initial notes and lists to draft sentences about the supermarket visit, describing events, memories and information. They will also recall and explain the mud pie making experience step by step by Composing and rehearsing each sentence before writing it down, including imperative verbs, such as mix, stir, measure, add, pour, combine and whisk. Children also draft instructions that explain how to make the banana-based recipe using the appropriate features of the genre.
They will use their new words to begin drafting a nonsense poem about the food they described. Children use the structure of Jabberwocky (AB-AB rhyme) to create a first verse. They invent a short and memorable slogan for their smoothie. They make it catchy using alliteration, adjectives or adverbs that paint an appealing picture of the product and carefully selected vocabulary. Add fun and interest to boring nouns with interesting adjectives.
Finally they create an advert for a glossy magazine promoting the benefits of their smoothie, using ICT, art packages and digital images. Write persuasively, using adjectives and adverbs.
Learners begin to group related ideas into paragraphs by drafting further paragraphs that link ideas using when, where, why and what. Edit and redraft, working with a partner to develop ideas. They also imagine that they are James Lind, writing a non-chronological report for the Naval Medical Council.
The skill of proofreading to check for errors in spelling, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation, noticing some errors and attempting to make appropriate corrections is developed.
To achieve this they redraft instructions to add an extra ingredient to the original dish checking that grammar, punctuation and spellings are correct. They use ICT, adding images and photographs to create a recipe in the style of a magazine spread. They work with a partner to edit and refine their advert.
The skill of assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing, noticing some ways to improve the grammar, vocabulary or conventions of the genre is done by improving their poems, reading aloud to check for fluency and flow. They change drafts as necessary so that the poems sound effective when read aloud. In pairs, they suggest improvements to each other's work. Children read, edit and refine work, checking facts. They check that the report is suitable for the intended audience and practise reading aloud in the role of James Lind.
They write increasingly legibly and consistently, often using the diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters by creating an attractive, neatly written presentation copy of their poem.
English Spoken Language
Developing the skill of using interesting adverbial phrases and noun phrases in a discussion or presentation by talking about things that they saw, did and found out on their visit, sequencing important memories and information, using digital photographs to inspire reflections and ideas.
Listen and respond to the instructions, contributions or viewpoints of others by working in pairs to follow verbal instructions for making a mud pie. Discuss whether the instructions were easy to follow or tricky to complete.
Articulate and justify an idea or opinion by listening to the story of physician James Lind and discussing its content, making a list of questions that they would like to ask James Lind if they met him. Ask for specific additional information with a supplementary questions, interviewing him about his discovery. Ask planned questions and supplementary ones that arise during conversation. Make notes about answers given.
Use interesting adverbial phrases and noun phrases in a discussion or presentation. To achieve this skill children create a short TV or radio advert for a new smoothie chain that sells their smoothie products. They adopt different roles in the group. Perform for others or film and review the advert’s effectiveness. They mix and match the roles such as a writer, producer, director, actors and a sound and camera crew.