Springfield House Community Special School

PROUD of our Roots

The Interim Executive Board.

What is an IEB and why has Springfield got one?

An Interim Executive Board (IEB) is a small body appointed on a short-term basis by a local authority to turn around a school that is judged to be in urgent need of improvement. An IEB replaces the governing body of a school that has either been placed in special measures or given notice to improve by Ofsted, or that has not complied with a warning notice from its local authority (LA).  Springfield House was placed in special Measures in March 2020 and therefore required an IEB.

The IEB's main functions are to secure a sound basis for future improvement in the school and promote high standards of educational achievement.


Members of Springfield House IEB.

George Craig Link IEB member to Leadership & Management

George is a National Leader of Governance and delivers external reviews and support for schools and academy trusts through the National Leaders for Governance programme, on behalf of the NGA.

George is an experienced Pupil Premium reviewer and works in a professional capacity as an education consultant, providing a wide range of school improvement support, advice and guidance

such as headteacher performance management, safeguarding reviews, safer recruitment training, DSL training and governor training.

George became a National Leader of Governance (NLG) in 2013 and was appointed as National Leader of Governance Advocate for the West Midlands region in January 2015. In September 2017, George was appointed as the governance representative on the West Midlands Strategic Leadership Board, supporting a team of NLGs across 16 Local Authorities. He has extensive experience of carrying out governance reviews in all phases of education.

George has a wealth of experience governing in maintained, Diocese and academy sectors within primary, secondary and UTC settings. He has specialist experience in chairing Interim Executive Boards and has extensive special school experience.

Professional qualifications: National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership (NPQEL)

Deborah James - Link IEB member to Quality of Education

Debbie has been Headteacher of Swanshurst School in Birmingham since 2015.  Ofsted’s last inspection in 2017, which judged the school as Outstanding, said “dynamic, determined and ambitious leadership has ensured that Swanshurst is an exceptionally effective school.

Richard Beamish - Link IEB member to Behaviours & Attitude

Michael York - Link IEB member to Personal Development

Michael is the director at Malachi Specialist Family Support Services with responsibility for strategic planning and business development.  His key skills include strategic thinking, project development, funding acquisition, project implementation and quality assurance.

Helena Mandleberg - Link IEB member to Finance

Helena works full time as a Chief Finance and Operations Officer at Education Impact Academy Trust.  She was previously a  Teacher of Maths (KS4 Lead) at Tudor Grange Academy, Solihull where she was also a Governor on the Governing Board.  Helena has experience of governance in a special school setting having served as Chair of the Finance Committee at James Brindley School, Birmingham between April 2015 - July 2017